I have some (crappy) pictures that I took of some of the snow that's happened over the past few days. Most of them are out of a car window so they are probably blurry. I'm actually not sure yet since I haven't put them on any computer. I'm on my desktop right now, but will be uploading them to my laptop, so I'll add some after I post this and switch over. Update - Here they are:
This is the day after the blizzard. We didn't get near as much as I thought we would.
This was on some other random snowy day the other week.
Side of the highway.
Exit off the highway.
I haven't really been watching movies lately which disappoints me. My dad has been sleeping on the couch in the living room (where I like to watch movies), so I've basically been playing WoW instead. Which is quite a bad idea. The other week I watched:
Which has got to be the most depressing movie in all of existence. I find it interesting that the picture says "Edited Version" when the one I watched was the "Unrated" one. The guy in the right corner actually looks a lot like someone I know personally, which highly creeps me out. I have yet to review this movie, nor rate it and I probably never will simply because....HOW?! How do you rate and review a movie like this? I knew nothing about this movie when I watched it, and I'm not sure if that was a good thing or not.
The movie I have from Netflix right now is:
Oh how nostalgia has overwhelmed me while watching this. The version my dad and I are watching is the concert one from 1996. I remember renting the VHS of it from the library when I was around eight or nine, but most likely even younger. We only watched about 45 minutes of it tonight. Don't want to lose all the magic in one night.
I need to start utilizing the "Instant Watch" function of Netflix more. I did that tonight by watching the first two episodes of this anime about two hours ago:
It is definitely different, that's for sure. It shocked the hell out of me when I started the first episode and English was the language I heard. It's a series that I was previously unaware of, so I was quite surprised that there was an English version of it. There's 26 episodes and I think I'm going to attempt to watch two episodes a night. Each episode is only 23 minutes long, so it shouldn't be that hard, right? Right?
Each episode is a different story, but the character you see in the picture is the main guy in each one. At least it seems like that's what's happening. It's heavy on the symbolism and some of the dialogue might make you go "Wait, what?" at first. I think it's going to be worth watching though.
I took the most pathetic test today. Since the blizzard was on Wednesday I had to reschedule my Personal Health class test to today. In class the teacher said that most people complete it within an hour. Well...over the past few years my test taking speed has decreased a crap ton, so I figured I'd end up taking the full hour. Wrong. I finished the test within twenty minutes. I could not believe how quickly I went through the test. I even noticed that four or five of the questions were ones that had been on the two quizzes we had taken already. Now if Calculus could just be that easy....
.....and speaking of such, there is no way I will be able to take the test tomorrow. I have class in the morning and then I work the rest of the day. I emailed my teacher at around seven, I think it was, asking if I'll be able to postpone it until Monday. I know he allowed a lot of people to do that last semester, so hopefully he'll ok it. I seriously hate when everything decides it needs to happen all at once.
I actually received a postcard from Postcrossing the other day. I have no idea why I got one since I haven't sent one out in quite a while. It's inspired me to try to get into it again, one postcard at a time. The last postcard I sent actually hasn't arrived yet for some reason. It has three or four days until it expires too. I just hope it didn't get lost among the insanity that is the post office. Here's the PC I received though:
It's the first postcard I've gotten from Russia, at least if I'm remembering correctly. I think it's awesomely adorable. And yes, I think I love alliteration.
I know I've been quite terrible about keeping up with posting what I've received in the mail lately. If I miss posting anything, which I probably have a lot by now, then I apologize. I did get an ATC in the mail though for the I Love Narnia ATC swap on Swap~bot:
I'm also in a Dollar Tree Valentine's Card swap, and have received two of the four cards, but I think I'm going to wait until I have all of them before I scan them and post them. I wish I had places in my room to actually display all the lovely things I've gotten.
Besides playing WoW like an idiot, I've been trying to play some other games as well. I've been extremely awful at saving my money lately, so I've acquired a few more games:
I still need to play the first Bioshock, which I started at my cousins last week. So overall in the past two weeks I've only played an hour of Darksiders and about two to two and half hours of the first Bioshock. I am completely terrible at managing my time so that I can fit in everything I want to do.
Darksiders is actually a lot different from how I thought it was going to be even after reading the reviews. I've barley played it, so I don't really have an opinion on it or anything like that yet. I'm loving the short time I've played Bioshock though. My cousin watched me play it and was just "WAT" the whole time through it though. He needs to play better games.
Since this seems to be turning into a beast of a post I believe I'll try and stop here. I'll upload all the crazy snow pictures and try to get them up here ASAP though.
By the way, don't watch Requiem For A Dream.
EDIT - Because I can here's some kitty pictures:
Charmin giving my grandpa some love.
Jack likes to play Peek-A-Boo on the stairs.
And finally, Charmin being a fatty.