I never seem to keep up with anything like I hope too. I haven't been feeling the greatest lately either, so that doesn't help my lack of updating. I'm not going to post any pictures this time, or anything like that. I guess I just kind of want to trudge through my thoughts a bit and see where I end up.
I don't remember how many days ago it was, but I started talking to a friend again that I had cut out of my life back in September. I thought if I slowly started to talk to them again that we could end up in a good place between us like we had been at one time. They seemed to take it completely differently though and quickly displayed every reason that forced me to stop communication before. They acted like it was a switch that I could just turn on and everything would be normal again, but I can't do that.
I'm also in another confusing situation. At least for me it is. I don't really want to type about it on here even though it's probably what's been on my mind the most. I don't really know how to react to it either. I always get pushed to break my promises to myself and for the first time in my life I'm keeping them. My fear is that my past is going to ruin what could be awesome in my future.
For some reason I've felt extremely lonely this month. It doesn't help what's going on in my life right now at all. My hours have been cut at work as well and the past two weeks I've only worked a total of two days. My focus at school is already going down, but I'm trying to get to the Wellness Center as much as I can to work out. I'm hoping it's just the fact that it's Winter, that's disrupting everything, but I don't really know.
Since it's Sunday I'm browsing Postsecret and there's a picture I found on there that I believe everyone should see:
And I couldn't agree more.
Usually reading anything on Postsecret is extremely depressing, but at the same time I enjoy reading people's thoughts and secrets and feelings. It shouldn't be unusual to hear people speak the truth, but it is.
Not every "secret" has to be a huge life changing event. Appreciating the smallest of gestures can mean more than anything.
Here's a picture and comment that went together that I find quite amusing:
Comment: I imagine that, if he exists, "God" talks like Gordon Ramsey. I think it would be hilarious. Him looking at us from up there, screaming: "YOU BLOODY IDIOTS!"
After going through a lot of the posts on this site, you see the same secrets popping up again and again. You know, I really hate what fear has done to us all.
I don't know why I'm actually going to post this. I'll probably delete this whole thing later. I guess I almost feel like the only emotion I should portray to people is happiness.
The promises you make to yourself are some of the most important you could ever have. Always believe and stay true to yourself and what you think is right. Don't let the past hold you down, just be sure not to repeat the same thing that makes the past bad to begin with. I know it's not much, but it's helped me in the past. Maybe it will help you too.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, Gorden Ramsey is awesome.
Whomever you are, thank you.