Sure enough, it's time to head back to class. Today was definitely not the greatest day I've ever experienced. Actually the past week has just overall been a little bit crazy. I'm actually quite surprised at how well I've been handling it all.
First off I'm sure I've said a million times on here so far that I had a meeting with Best Buy's General Manager about my employment. turns out that they wanted to keep me so I am now a permanent employee there. He even said that they didn't have any openings, but that I performed well enough that they wanted me to continue to work there. Another seasonal cashier employee was hired as well. She was actually who I considered my "competition" for the season, so it was cool to find out that we were both hired. I've seen a few of the seasonal employees that did not end up staying though, and it's weird to see them in the store when I'm working since I feel bad and like I'm flaunting it in their face or something.
When the GM told me that he wanted me to stay at Best Buy I actually almost started crying right on the spot. I expected to go in there and be told that they simply didn't have enough room. I mean...that actually turned out to be true, but apparently it didn't matter as much as I thought it did.
All of that happened on Wednesday, so I ended up working the opening shift Thursday, Friday and Saturday which is 10a-3:30p. That is so early to me and I wanted to wake up two hours before my shift so that I'd be properly awake and everything when I got there. Saturday was also a meeting at the building. We had to be there by 7:30a, so my morning shift was not the greatest. It also snowed like absolutely crazy the night before, so barely half of the employees were able to make it to the meeting. Since it looked like a blizzard outside we also barely had any customers, so luckily I was able to leave early and was out by 1:30p.
Now here's where another story begins...My dad picked me up at Best Buy in what looked to be a brand new car. Turned out it was a 2008 used vehicle from a dealership that he was testing out. Now we've been down to one vehicle for a little while now since the van crapped out on us. Before I was told that we couldn't even afford a $2000 car, but now all of a sudden we have a $10000, 2009 Hyundai Accent. I'm not happy at all about my grandmothers purchase, especially since she complains about money problems constantly. Way to add more debt to your worries.
The other thing that seriously sucks about the car is that it's an itty bitty front wheel drive car that can't drive for shit in the snow. We have no truck, now have no van, and are down to only having tiny cars that can barely hold a grown man. I'll try to take pictures of it tomorrow if I remember.
I haven't really received anything lately except for today. I was surprised to see an envelope addressed to me in the mail since I wasn't really expecting anything yet. It was for a group I'm in on Swap-bot. In the forum for the group we posted a wishlist and then each member has to send someone something on that person's wishlist. I received a beautiful PC and some recipes that I should try out soon. Here's the PC:
![Georgia Leaves PC](
It's from ladyaries7 and the PC isn't that bright in person. I don't know why my scanner is obsessed with bright colors. I really do love the postcard though. It's similar to one that I actually found downtown here.
I've only watched two movies since my last post. My dad wanted to watch a movie from 1971 called Two-Lane Blacktop, and that was here for about four days I believe, so there hasn't been time for many movies to come in since then. The two I watched are:
The first movie I've seen many times, but it's been ages. It was pretty neat to see it again and it's still a very good family movie to watch as well. The second has Nicolas Cage in it and the guy that did Hiccups voice for the animated movie How To Train Your Dragon, so that was why I originally wanted to see it. I remember when it came out in theatres that people weren't really saying good things about it. It turned out to be pretty decent and I definitely enjoyed all the magical elements in it. The end wasn't the greatest though and zoomed right by, but damn, Nicolas Cage is hot as hell as that character and I normally don't like him at all.
This week is going to be pretty intense for me it seems, but luckily one of the harder days is past. I'm taking four classes this semester, so my schedule as far as that goes is this:
Personal Health: MWF - 9:10a-10:10a
Calculus II: MW - 6p-8:40p
English 101: TR - 2:30p-4p
I also am taking Total Fitness II, but that doesn't have a set schedule. I wish my college would hurry up and get everything in the system though so I can get my pre-assessment for the class done so I can start working out asap. I really want to get to the Wellness Center at least three times each week. I definitely want to make some progress this semester.
This schedule would be pretty ok, but now that I'm working as well it's going to increase the difficulty. For example I had my morning class today...and then my shift at BB started at 10:30a. I got out of work at 4:30p, which gave me enough time to change, eat dinner and then head out to the college for my night class. I got home from that at just about 9p and have just been kind of relaxing so that stress doesn't overwhelm me. I really cannot afford to get sick again, so I'm glad my body has been holding out so well these past few months. I just need to take the time to relax and calm down so that it doesn't get too extreme or anything. Wednesday is going to be a repeat of today though, so I'm sure that'll be some deja vu.
My schedule at BB for the rest of this week is:
Wednesday: 10:30a-4:30p
Friday: 10:30.a-4p
Saturday: 3:30p-9:30p
All the day shifts I've worked the past week have been extremely dead. It's almost a shock going from the holiday season to almost nothing. Saturday night should be the busiest day of the week, so it should go alright. I also get to sleep in, so that will definitely be welcome.
This semester is basically going to be me trying to balance school, work, and me time. I have a new friend that I've been hanging out with a bit and it's been really nice to get out of the house, although most of the time we just come back to my house to play video games. That's completely alright with me though. It's nice to have someone to talk too and hopefully I'll be able to expand my social circle a bit.
At my shift today it was so slow that I pretty much just talked to the other cashier that opened the whole time. We talked about dinosaurs, paranormal stuff, cars, and a lot of other random stuff. Best Buy certainly doesn't allow me to be shy and I'm interacting with so many people. It's awesome and I think that's why I haven't gotten sick.
I believe I'm going to stop here. This post is probably not the most coherent one I've posted. I'm extremely tired, need to get to bed and my thoughts have been kinda disconnected the past few days. I've also left out a lot of details since I simply don't feel like typing forever. Ah well, I'll try to include more stuff tomorrow.